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About The Teargas Recording Tree

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The Teargas Recording Tree is an independently run, non-profit artistic collective based in the heart on the Canadian Prairies. We are comprised of musicians, composers, painters, sculptors, and writers who all believe that we can get a lot more done if we work together to achieve common goals than trying to succeed alone.

To be a member of the collective, one does not necessarily need to be from the praires or Canada, but they must be willing to work with other members and share knowledge/effort/time for other members' projects as well as their own. It is futile to see other local bands or artists in our cities and towns as competition when we can work with them, sharing venues, touring costs, and cross-promotion. Through co-operation, collaboration, and cross-promotion, many of us have achieved much more than we could have if we were struggling alone and it is because of this that this collective continues to grow. We are always branching into new artist circles and trying to work alongside fresh and innovative material.

If you feel that this idea or organization is of interest to you, feel free to get in touch with us or tell someone else that you know. We are in the age of networking and it is truly inspiring to see where word of mouth can take all of us.


  • Jim Ginther - Collective co-founder, musician, organizer, website
  • Steve Reed - Collective co-founder, musician, organizer, recording engineer